We are Australian through and through.  Our stores are owned by dedicated zero-wasters and passionate foodies who live within the communities they serve.

Our products are as Australian as we can make them and our suppliers are, just like us, determined to supply good quality produce with as little waste as possible.

From starting in Byron Bay, The Source has grown to have stores throughout Australia as well as a nationwide online store.

Each store is owned by Franchise Partners who live locally and who are often in their stores serving customers and chatting about what’s going on in their community.

Our store owners have three things in common.  They love wholesome food, they are focussed on supporting local farmers and producers, and they are dedicated to reducing unnecessary waste wherever possible.

But, they are also diverse.  Amongst them are families, some with adult children working and managing their business.  There are also very determined single owners, a couple of mother/daughter teams, and plenty where one person is the prime manager of the store whilst their partner plays a more supporting role.

Each store owner employs enthusiastic team members from the community, develops a product range to best cater for their local customers. and puts their own personality into their store.


Suzie & Norm
Good old-fashioned service


There are close to 600 team members employed across Australia in The Source Bulk Food stores.   Students, parents, naturopaths, dieticians, foodies – and all of them passionate about promoting a healthy lifestyle with as little waste as possible.

We’re here for you!



The finest quality produce and fewer food miles:
No premium pricing, just good food, sourced locally at the best price.



Unparalleled range:
Continuing to grow our bulk food range in line with our customer’s needs.


An advocate for Australian grown:
Supporting local farmers so they can keep doing what they do best.


Promoting the zero-waste movement:
Continued reduction of packaging and waste from field to plate.


Personalised service:
Creating a welcoming and genuine customer service experience.


Catering for every taste and need:
Extending our range to accommodate wheat and grain free, paleo, vegan and organic devotees. Providing product alternatives and support for those with intolerances and allergies. 


Community minded:
The local community is at the heart of everything we do, so giving back goes without saying.



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