What does your cleaning cupboard look like? Is it full of multipurpose sprays promising squeaky-clean bathrooms, windows and floors? Or, maybe it’s filled with plastic bottles offering clothing stain removal and sparkling pots and pans?
  • You might have purchased those cleaning products because they were on special at the time, but what are you really saving? It’s not the planet and it’s certainly not your or your family’s health. At The Source Bulk Foods, we provide sensible, achievable and affordable solutions to detoxing your home – and we make it fun!


    There has never been a more important time to take control of your and your family’s health. Every day, we are exposed to tens of thousands of chemicals but with a few simple lifestyle changes and our tips, you can reduce your chemical exposure and improve your health, your family’s health and the planet.


    You don’t need to have a cupboard full of expensive organic products to avoid harmful chemicals. In fact, you only need a few simple ingredients like bicarbonate of soda (baking soda), white vinegar, Epsom salts sea salt and olive oil – all of which can be found at The Source Bulk Foods.


    With these natural ingredients and a few essential oils like peppermint, tea-tree, rosemary and eucalyptus, you’re able to create a whole range of healthy cleaning products. Want to know our seven favourite DIY recipes? You can find them below.

  • 6 simple recipes for a low-tox life


    At The Source Bulk Foods, we’re constantly inspired by people like Bea Johnson and Alexx Stuart. Bea, a French-born author now living in America, is leading the global movement towards a waste-free world and we were thrilled to support her recent Australian tour.

    Alexx, an Australian activist, educator and author, is one impressive lady. She’s the author of Low Tox Life, a comprehensive handbook that shares her top tips for creating a toxin-free household. In the book, you’ll find the following seven simple recipes that have fast become our favourite natural home recipes. You can check out her inspiring page and podcast here.

  • Multipurpose Spray


    This multipurpose spray is great for kitchen surfaces, windowsills, mantelpieces and shower tiles. Please note: not to be used on wood.

    • 250mL white vinegar
    • 250mL water
    • ½ teaspoon eucalyptus or tea-tree essential oil
    • ½ teaspoon rosemary essential oil (optional)


    Add all ingredients to a spray bottle. Shake before use.

  • Furniture Polish

    Use this furniture polish on dark wood or leather. Please note: not to be used on suede.


    Dab a little olive oil on a tea towel and really rub it into the cloth so it absorbs fully. Polish your leather couch, wooden furniture and leather shoes.

  • Glass Cleaner


    • 125mL water
    • 60mL white vinegar
    • 4 drops of cinnamon, tea-tree or peppermint essential oil


    Pour ingredients into a spray bottle and shake to mix. Use to clean your windows with a tea towel or bamboo microfiber cloth.

  • Dishwasher Cleaner and Rinse Aid


    You know that slippery ‘sheen’ on your clean dishes? It’s created from toxic chemicals and you want to avoid it at all costs. Instead, make this simple and easy dirty dishes cleaner.



    Once a month or every fortnight, put the vinegar in a small cup in your dishwasher (not in the rinse aid compartment). Wash dishes on a quick cycle.

  • Oven Cleaner



    1. Turn the oven to 180ºC.

    2. Mix all the ingredients together in a jar to form a paste and set aside.

    3. Half-fill a baking dish with water, sit it in the oven and ‘bake’ to create steam for about 30 minutes. Do not add the paste to this dish.

    4. Allow the oven to cool a little, then scrub your paste over the oven walls and door. Wipe down. Rinse with a few damp tea towels and then a dry.

  • Fabric Softener



    1. Mix the essential oil/s into the Epsom salts, then mix in the bicarbonate of soda. Keep in a jar.

    2. At the beginning of the wash (or even halfway through), add ⅓ cup of fabric softener.

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